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Photo portrait of Emerson alumnae Gayle Carson (née Cohn). Graduated from Emerson College with a degree in Broadcasting, Theatre and Speech; President of Carson Research Center.


James Carroll, writer in residence at Emerson College. Location: Beacon St. Boston.


Chris Weir, Director of program corp. in Continuing Education Division. Location: 21 Commonwealth Ave. Sponsored by Central Mass. Dietetic Association and Emerson College Division of Continuing Ed. and Comm. Studies.


Photo portrait of Emerson alumnae Gayle Carson (née Cohn). Graduated from Emerson College with a degree in Broadcasting, Theatre and Speech; President of Carson Research Center.


J. Edwin Hollingworth, Assistant Professor in Communication Studies, speaks on "Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur". Location: 21 Commonwealth Ave. Sponsored by Central Mass. Dietetic Association and Emerson College Division of Continuing Ed. and Comm. Studies.


Senior / yearbook portrait of Gayle Carson (née Cohn) '59. Graduated from Emerson College with a degree in Broadcasting, Theatre and Speech; President of Carson Research Center.


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