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Photo of portrait painting of Edward Bernays. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising. Location: 1st and 2nd Church, 64 Marlborough Street, Boston.


Edward Bernays cuts the cake during the event, "Public Relations in the Twenty-First Century". Bernays, known as "the father of public relations" was a pioneer in the field of advertising. Event sponsored by Emerson College in association with Lambda Phi Eta, Kappa Gamma Chi and Phi Alpha Tau.


Photo portrait of John Wentworth. Head of public relations for CBS Television Distribution. Wentworth joined Paramount Television — predecessor to CBS Television Studios — in 1983. Received Emerson's Alumni Achievement Award in 1984.

Bernays shakes hands with unidentified young woman. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising.


Bernays at the center of a group photo on stairs. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising.


Photo portrait of Walter Sperr. Studied Mass Communication and Journalism at Emerson College; Executive Vice-President of Richard Weiner, Inc. Public Relations; Managing Director of Trent & Company, Inc.

John Zacharis congratulates Edward Bernays on his newly dedicated seminar room at Emerson College. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising.


Close-up photo. Possible outdoor setting. Pozniak wears a shirt and tie, beard and eyeglasses.


Photo of Edward Bernays on the occasion of the dedication of the Bernays seminar room at Emerson College. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising.


Barnays enters the newly dedicated Bernays seminar room after the ribbon cutting by John Zacharis. Associate professor, Walt Littlefield looks on. Bernays was a pioneer in the field of public relations and advertising.


Robert Brown, Assistant Professor in Communication Studies, talks to the conference members on public relations for a dietician. Location: 21 Commonwealth Ave. Sponsored by Central Mass. Dietetic Association and Emerson College Division of Continuing Ed. and Comm. Studies.


Bernays at the podium. Honorary induction of Edward Bernays into Phi Alpha Tau fraternity at the First and Second Church. Bernays was known as the "Father of Public Relations".


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