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Haig, seated at a small table with several plastic-wrapped sandwiches.


Haig and another man adjusting a body-weight scale.


Haig, seated, talks with a woman at a desk. Christmas decorations line the mantle behind him.


Haig, wearing an apron, stirs a pot over the stove.


Haig stands outside a door marked Weights and Measures Department.


Haig, with a young woman, blows out candle on cupcake.


Charles Klim sitting at a desk. Dr. Charles Klim was an Emerson graduate, who returned to the college as a professor of speech pathology and remained for 33 years. He also chaired the Division of Communication Sciences and Disorders from 1964 to 1989 and was honored at Alumni Weekend 1992.

Haig, seated at a small table is served from a platter of plastic-wrapped sandwiches.


Haig, seated in office, with a line of people, each holding a pen or pencil.


Back of man looking at a certificates handing an a wall, possibly dictating into a handheld device.


Haig and woman seated on a motor scooter.


Male student stands, singing, with teacher or accompanist at the piano.


Young woman hands Haig a cupcake with a candle.


A seated audience. Young man holding cigarette in foreground. From "Haig der Marderosian. Led many an Emerson debate team to regional and national championships. Room 501 in the Walker Building was re-dedicated to him in 2002 after the College sold 21 Commonwealth Avenue which contained the original Haig der Marderosian Room. Haig was an advisor to the [Phi Alpha Tau] fraternity twice during his tenure as a professor, from 1960 to 1968 and again from 1980 to 1984. Like Joe Connor, Haig entered the fraternity as an Emerson student.".


Man digs into a bag on a table next to a typewriter.


Haig, wearing an apron, stirs contents of a pan.


Haig der Marderosian stands on stage, holding up a piece of paper. Young women dressed as cowgirls behind him. Banner above the stage reads, "KAPPA KORRAL." From "Haig der Marderosian. Led many an Emerson debate team to regional and national championships. Room 501 in the Walker Building was re-dedicated to him in 2002 after the College sold 21 Commonwealth Avenue which contained the original Haig der Marderosian Room. Haig was an advisor to the [Phi Alpha Tau] fraternity twice during his tenure as a professor, from 1960 to 1968 and again from 1980 to 1984. Like Joe Connor, Haig entered the fraternity as an Emerson student.".


Photographic portrait of Godfrey Dewey. Dewey wears wire-rim glasses, a three-piece suit, and a serious expression. In the photo, shadows cross Dewey’s face and upper body in horizontal lines, possibly from sun through window blinds. When Emerson president Boylston Green resigned in 1949, Godfrey Dewey (pictured) served as Acting President until February, 1951. Dewey was an educator and spelling reformer, and the founder and first president the Phonetic Spelling Council. He was a skier who designed ski jumps and was largely responsible for the successful bid to hold the 1932 Winter Olympic Games in Lake Placid, New York. He was the son of Melvil Dewey, the founder of the Dewey decimal system. Info source: Expression Magazine of Emerson College; Godfrey Dewey Papers (Columbia University Archives).


Haig, seated, defends his stack of plastic-wrapped sandwiches from a poacher.


Haig squeezes through doorway with petite woman.


Unidentified young man in a suit seated at a desk. Phone receiver is off the hook. Old typewriter on second desk.


Haig, in the kitchen, adds seasoning.


Several happy people in-action around a small round table. Two women, seated, wear hats.


Mr. Geise, seated next to a small film projector. C. Hugh Geise taught at Emerson College from 1955 to 1961 (A Century of Eloquence, p.557).


Haig der Marderosian '54 points at a notice posted on the "Debating" board at the foot of a stairwell while three male students look on. From "Haig der Marderosian. Led many an Emerson debate team to regional and national championships. Room 501 in the Walker Building was re-dedicated to him in 2002 after the College sold 21 Commonwealth Avenue which contained the original Haig der Marderosian Room. Haig was an advisor to the [Phi Alpha Tau] fraternity twice during his tenure as a professor, from 1960 to 1968 and again from 1980 to 1984. Like Joe Connor, Haig entered the fraternity as an Emerson student.".


Unidentified young man in a suit seated at a desk, typing on an old typewriter.


Two young women on stage dressed as cowgirls. Banner above the stage reads, KAPPA KORRAL.


Mr. Spink sits at a desk with a pencil in his hand. Mr. Spink was the Director of the Night School at Emerson College.


Haig der Marderosian '54 stands on stage, speaking, with a white cowboy hat in his hand. Three people are on stage behind him. Banner above the stage reads, "KAPPA KORRA." From "Haig der Marderosian. Led many an Emerson debate team to regional and national championships. Room 501 in the Walker Building was re-dedicated to him in 2002 after the College sold 21 Commonwealth Avenue which contained the original Haig der Marderosian Room. Haig was an advisor to the [Phi Alpha Tau] fraternity twice during his tenure as a professor, from 1960 to 1968 and again from 1980 to 1984. Like Joe Connor, Haig entered the fraternity as an Emerson student.".


Haig and woman adjusting a body-weight scale.


Haig, seated in office with woman writing on a notecard.


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