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Pictured Emersonians may include: Leonidas Nickole ’49, Judith Espinola ‘61, Dorothy Geotis '59, and Judith Simmons '59. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall.


Actors on stage performance in pirate costume. Several men have drawn their swords.

1986-04-11 1986-04-19

Actors on stage.


Actors on stage.


Actors on stage with pit orchestra in foreground. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


Actors on stage. Lute Song is a 1946 American musical with a book by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin, music by Raymond Scott, and lyrics by Bernard Hanighen.


Four sharply dressed students perform before a black curtain. Each stands or sits at one of four podiums.


Actors on stage.


Actors on stage.


Performers stage scenes from the Irwin Shaw's 1936-anti war fantasy, Bury the Dead.


Actors on stage.


Two women in a dingy apartment kitchen, stage set. Getting Out is a play by Marsha Norman set in Louisville, Kentucky.


Ten actors lined up on stage in flamboyant costume. Four wear masks. A man holding a top hat speaking or singing. Emerson College brought "Lady in the Dark" to the stage for the school's first Annual Spring Musical in 1954. Music by Kurt Weill, lyrics by Ira Gershwin, and book by Moss Hart. In the same year, NBC broadcast their Max Liebman Presents production of "Lady in the Dark" as a live television special.


Actors on stage. A production by students of the Emerson Night School. See How They Run, directed by John Chase, is an English comedy in three acts by Philip King. Performance dates: Feb. 12 & 13, 1959.


Actor on stage.


Actors on stage. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


Artist's sketch of performing arts rehearsal room and performing arts classroom. Elkus / Manfredu Architects Ltd.

Actors on stage.


Actors on stage. Play written by Anatole France in 1908.


Nine actresses on stage in performance. Some with bows or bonnets in their hair. The orchestra pit is empty. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Pictured actors may include Susan Lightbrown '61, Dorothy Geotis ‘59 and Gretchen Van Aken ‘62.


Students in Jack Stein's makeup class try on fake beards. Dated "approx. 1950s.".

1950 - 1959

Actors on stage. Lute Song is a 1946 American musical with a book by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin, music by Raymond Scott, and lyrics by Bernard Hanighen.


Actors on stage. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


Actors on stage. Play written by Anatole France in 1908.


Actors on stage dressed in robes and sandals.


Two students performing before a black curtain. Male in tuxedo leans on podium, while female clutches her white shawl.


Actors on stage.


Harry Morgan. Unveiling. On the set of Love Rides the Rails, An old-fashioned melodrama, presented by Phi Mu Gamma & Phi Alpha Tau. Directed by Nancy Newman.


Actors on stage. Play written by Anatole France in 1908.


Actors on stage. An old-fashioned melodrama, presented by Phi Mu Gamma & Phi Alpha Tau. Directed by Nancy Newman.


Actors in performance. Written by George Farquhar. Directed by Gertrude Binley Kay, Emerson College Department of Theatre Arts. Dec. 9-11, 1959.


Actors perform off the stage among three seated spectators. Directed by Dorothy Geotis. Department of Theatre Arts at Emerson College. April 22 & May 2, 1959. The Clown Who Ran Away, a comedy for children in two acts, was written by Conrad Seiler in the late 1940s.


Two actors on stage. The woman wears a hoopskirt. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Susan Lightbrown '61 (later Susan Lightbrown Sack) played the lead role of Evelina. Prior to attending Emerson College, Ms. Lightbrown was Miss Connecticut in the 1957 Miss America Pageant. The Fairfileld, CT Museum and History Center has a collection of her papers and photographs.


Actors on stage in performance.


Actors on stage.


Actors prepare themselves with makeup and costume in a theatre dressing room.


Actors on stage in performance.


Actors on stage.


Photograph of a decorative panel in the stage backdrop displaying the show's title, "Pirates of Penzance," with a sailing ship in the middle.

1986-04-11 1986-04-19

Actors on stage.


Actors on stage. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


The villain and the widow. An old-fashioned melodrama, presented by Phi Mu Gamma & Phi Alpha Tau. Directed by Nancy Newman.


Actors in performance. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Cast includes David Potter '58. October 29-31, 1958 at Emerson College Theatre.


Male and female actors on stage dressed in robes and sandals.


Actors on stage: Dodo the clown with Gladys the horse. Directed by Dorothy Geotis. Department of Theatre Arts at Emerson College. April 22 & May 2, 1959. The Clown Who Ran Away, a comedy for children in two acts, was written by Conrad Seiler in the late 1940s.


Actors on stage.


Group shot, in front of Castle Well, Holland. Emerson College's Musical Theatre Society toured Europe with their presentation and received standing ovations in the Hague, Bonn and Venlo. Venlo performance venue was Maaspoort theatre, on June 10 and 11).

1988-05-01 - 1988-08-31

Performers stage scenes from the Irwin Shaw's 1936-anti war fantasy, Bury the Dead.



Nine actors are pictured on stage, performing in-costume. A man and woman stand in the foreground looking at each other.

1986-04-11 1986-04-19

Actors on stage in performance.


Actors in performance. Six of Frumkpin's dolls are led off-stage. Directed by Dorothy Geotis. Department of Theatre Arts at Emerson College. April 22 & May 2, 1959. The Clown Who Ran Away, a comedy for children in two acts, was written by Conrad Seiler in the late 1940s.


Actors in performance. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Cast includes David Potter '58. October 29-31, 1958 at Emerson College Theatre.


Actors on stage. Lute Song is a 1946 American musical with a book by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin, music by Raymond Scott, and lyrics by Bernard Hanighen.


Actors on stage.


Actors on stage. Play written by Anatole France in 1908.


Kristin Linklater (standing), author of Freeing the Natural Voice, leads a vocal workshop. Students lie on their backs on the floor. Linklater, a teacher in the field of voice production, taught and served as head of the Acting program at Emerson College from 1990–1996. The workshop was on voice training for teachers in theatre voice.


Backstage, a young woman reads a script. On the wall above her, a sign reads, "Home Sweet Home." Possibly shot during a production of Antigone or Escurial.


Balm in Gilead lead actors seated in a diner: Jeanne Tinker as Darlene and Angus Mandy as Joe. The play, directed by Maureen Shea, ran Feb. 21-25, 1989 at the Mainstage Theatre, 69 Brimmer St. Boston.


Actors on stage. Directed by Gertrude Binley Kay. Drama Workshop (sophomore production). March 20-22, 1957. Students pictured may include Shirley Shay '58 (onstage) and Lincoln John Stulik '58 (backstage).


Three young people sitting on the floor with notebooks.


Actors on stage. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


Actors on stage. Lute Song is a 1946 American musical with a book by Sidney Howard and Will Irwin, music by Raymond Scott, and lyrics by Bernard Hanighen.


Actors on stage.


Several actors on stage in formal attire. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Pictured actors may include: Linda Keery ’59, James Laferla '60, Judith Simmons ‘59, Edward Darna ’59.


Man holds mop and bucket on stage set that looks like a living room.


Two female actors in a bare room, one is seated. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Susan Lightbrown '61 (later Susan Lightbrown Sack) played the lead role of Evelina. Prior to attending Emerson College, Ms. Lightbrown was Miss Connecticut in the 1957 Miss America Pageant. The Fairfileld, CT Museum and History Center has a collection of her papers and photographs.


Man and woman wearing period costume on stage, embrace in a kiss. Written by George Farquhar. Directed by Gertrude Binley Kay, Emerson College Department of Theatre Arts. Dec. 9-11, 1959.


Several actors on stage dressed in robes and sandals.


Three women posing with arms outstretched on a low stage. Alumni Association banner hangs on the wall behind them. Alumni recognition dinner was held at the Back Bay Hilton.


Actors on stage. Directed by Gertrude Binley Kay. Drama Workshop (sophomore production). March 20-22, 1957. Pictured students may include: Lou Stamoulis '58, Stuart Moser '58, Shirley Shay '58.


Young man in a suit and tie playing a grand piano. An old-fashioned melodrama, presented by Phi Mu Gamma & Phi Alpha Tau. Directed by Nancy Newman.


Director with actors during rehearsal. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Pictured participants may include: Dorothy Geotis '59 and Leonidas Nickole.


Actors on stage.


Two male actors in performance on stage as lawmen.


Actors on stage.


Director Nickole and students rehearse the play, standing in a bare room. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Production dates: May 15 and 16, 1959, at New England Mutual Hall. Pictured actors may include: Susan Lightbrown '61, Linda Keery ’59, Judith Simmons ‘59, Louis Lopez-Cepero ’61.


Actors in performance. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Cast includes David Potter '58. October 29-31, 1958 at Emerson College Theatre.



Actors on stage.


Jack Stein leads a class in makeup. Photo from the Jack Stein H'58 Collection. Dated "approx. 1950s.".

1950 - 1959

1986-04-11 1986-04-19

Performers stage scenes from the Irwin Shaw's 1936-anti war fantasy, Bury the Dead.


Shirley Shay ’59 and Milt Monbleau ’59 make “Small Talk” in the kitchen. Staged and directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. May 16-17, 1958.


Actor in performance. Characters pictured: Dodo (sleeping), Rudolph Bernard Boo, Ugly (Boo's minion) and six of Frumpkin's dolls. Directed by Dorothy Geotis. Department of Theatre Arts at Emerson College. April 22 & May 2, 1959. The Clown Who Ran Away, a comedy for children in two acts, was written by Conrad Seiler in the late 1940s.


Crude drawing of a tin can on a poster to promote a theatrical production. On the can's label a woman stands in a crop field. Text on the poster reads: M.I.T. Dramashop Presents: We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay! by Dario Fo. Little Theatre Kresge Auditorium. Directed by Robert N. Scanlon; Sets by William Fregosi; Costumes by Margaret S. Hall; Lighting and Stage by Edward Darna.


On stage, in performance: a bearded man in uniform holds an umbrella while pirates look on from the background.

1986-04-11 1986-04-19

Actors on stage.


Actors on stage. Pictured cast may include: George Peters '59 (L) and Ramon Bieri '58 (R).


Actors in performance. Directed by Leonidas A. Nickole. Department of Theatre Arts. Cast includes David Potter '58. October 29-31, 1958 at Emerson College Theatre.


Headshot of Merri Sugarman. Actress, casting director, acting coach, and alumni officer of the professional sorority Kappa Gamma Chi (BFA in Musical Theater - Emerson College).

1980 - 1999

Actors on stage. Directed by Gertrude Binley Kay. Drama Workshop (sophomore production). March 20-22, 1957. Pictured students may include: Stuart Moser '58, Shirley Shay '58, Lou Stamoulis '58.



Actors on stage in performance.


A person lies face-down amid rubble of bricks and wood. Shirt is torn.


Actors on stage.


Actors on stage. An old-fashioned melodrama, presented by Phi Mu Gamma & Phi Alpha Tau. Directed by Nancy Newman '57 [aka: Nancy Dolph, Emerson faculty].


Man and woman on stage, dressed in robes and sandals.


Several actors on stage dressed in robes and sandals.


Members of a children's theatre performance group, the first such college program in the U.S., board a bus tour in 1929. The bus' destination display reads: "Rowes Wharf; South Station." Shot published in the book, Century of Eloquence.


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